The concept of the Geass originated in Celtic mythology, where it was typically placed on mortals by members of The Fair Folk. Before C.C.'s true origins were revealed later in the series, some people believed that the sound actually was her real name.Then what about the shot where the water ISN'T dripping, and Lelouch says her name again? In the dub, that was pulled off with a mute, but Fridge Logic dictates that at that point, the Un Reveal is just getting pretentious.In something of a subversion, the sound effect is actually reasonable - the sound of water dripping off the ceiling of the cave she and Lelouch are in.


Also compare to Gag Censor, which is the visual equivalent. Contrast with Seven Minute Lull, or Plot-Based Voice Cancellation. In television, typically a 1kHz sine wave.Ĭompare with Symbol Swearing, Narrative Profanity Filter, and T-Word Euphemism. Sometimes used in the service of The Un-Reveal, or to Cut a Curse Short. Unfortunately, it can have the same effect on scenes that are supposed to be serious. This is likely because profanity is often a mundane occurrence in real-life conversation, whereas loud incongruous bleeps are not. This is particularly true when it's used to cover up a Cluster F-Bomb. Strangely enough, the bleep effect often makes the joke funnier than if the swear word had actually been used (thus forming the premise of This Trope Is Bleep comedy). It's the audio equivalent of Scenery Censor. Normally used when a character is going to say something rude in a programme where the FCC (or other Media Watchdogs) will leap on it. Usually the words are completely drowned out, but sometimes the first syllable is audible before the sound effect kicks in. When a character's words, usually expletives, are drowned out by a artificial BEEEEP, or, more creatively, by a sound effect (e.g. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

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